Leave a gift in your will

Why leave a gift for ARC in your will?
ARC is the only national charity to support anxious, expectant and bereaved parents throughout antenatal screening. We will continue to provide support no matter what the outcome, or what decisions are made about the future of the pregnancy, for as long as our support is needed.
To be able to continue to provide this support service, we need donations; ARC receives no government funding and is often a very difficult sell to funders.
How will ARC use your donation?
All donations which ARC receives are put back into maintaining our support services, including our telephone and email helpline; our members-only, moderated forum; volunteer support network; website and range of publications for parents, their families and healthcare professionals.
ARC aims to be able to support all parents who need us and your support will also help us to raise awareness of the organisation among parents and healthcare professionals across the UK.
Here are just a few of the things a gift in your will could help ARC to accomplish:
- A named contact in every maternity unit offering antenatal screening in the UK, ensuring that anxious expectant parents are aware of the support ARC can offer.
- Recruitment of a new Co-ordinator to raise awareness of ARC across Wales.
- Development and promotion of ‘best practice guidelines’ for parents facing prenatal diagnosis.
- Development and updating of our publications to ensure parents are provided with the most accurate information on screening and diagnosis.
- Creation and maintenance a directory of non-directive counsellors and therapists from across the UK so we can signpost parents to practitioners we know and trust.
How can leaving a gift for ARC benefit you?
Leaving a gift to a charity like ARC in your will can help to reduce the taxes paid on your estate. In the UK, an estate can pay Inheritance Tax at a reduced rate of 36% on some assets (instead of 40%) if 10% or more of the ‘net value’ of their estate is left to charity. The net value refers to the value of all your assets when the following has been taken into account:
- Any debts and liabilities
- Reliefs
- Exemptions (anything left to a husband, wife or civil partner)
- Anything below the Inheritance Tax threshold of £325,000 (known as the ‘nil rate band’)
Where can you learn more?
Read our guide to creating your will to help you think about your wishes and plan for the future. If you have any questions about remembering ARC, please contact Rebecca on rebecca@arc-uk.org or 0207 713 7356.
I’ve already remembered ARC in my will – how do I let you know?
Thank you very much for choosing to leave a gift to ARC in your will. We are incredibly grateful for your support. Please use this form to tell us you have remembered us in your will.
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