After diagnosis

You may be looking at this section because your health care team have told you that your baby has a genetic or physical condition or is not developing as expected. It is likely to be a worrying time for you.
You need to feel you have as much information as possible about what the finding(s) in your baby might mean for your baby’s development and for you and your family. Doctors who are expert in a baby’s development in pregnancy are called fetal medicine specialists. You may be able to see a fetal medicine consultant in your hospital or you might have to be referred to a specialist hospital.
We are not medically trained at ARC, but we know where the specialist hospitals are in the UK so you can contact us on our helpline if you want to check this. We can also help you work out the questions you might want to ask and decide whether you need to see other specialist doctors about the outlook for your baby.
Although there have been advances in genetic tests and scanning technologies, it is often difficult for doctors to give certain answers about what might be ahead. We know this can make decision-making extra difficult.